martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Cote de Texas GIVEAWAY!!!!

One of the Southern Accent’s prettiest bedrooms.  I love the touches of blue – and I especially the collection of framed intaglios.  Designer Jackye Lanham framed the collection of intaglios on some type of blue matting, which in turn makes the intaglios the focal point of the room.
I love intaglios – of all kinds, whether they are in jewelry or hanging on the walls.   Intaglio is like a cameo, except the carving is inside the stone, not outside like the cameo.    This brooch’s setting is from year 1000, while the stone intaglio comes from the year 337!   The setting is gold with pearls while the intaglio is a blue sapphire. 

Here, jeweler Elizabeth Locke shows a similar intaglio brooch – made for today.   Locke tends to use a lot of intaglios in her designs. 

One way to keep intaglios is shown above.   Today, most intaglios are framed and then hung.  This collection of antique intaglios are mounted in a book box which is for sale on 1st Dibs.    The intaglios date from the early 1800s.     Most antique intaglios are from the 18th century and are mementos collected during a grand tour of Europe.   The carvings depict classical Greek and Roman sculpture, as well as subjects of famous paintings.   Today, intaglios are still being made and many of the framed sets are actually new reproductions – as the antiques are exceedingly rare and expensive. 

 image In this painting, you can a few intaglios that are shown hanging on the walls – not framed.   I love this painting – the carved hall chair, the piece of masonware hanging on the wall, the oval mirror, the ironstone, the portiere, the easel and the book, the busts above the door – many things that are still used in decor today!

Here is a living room showing a grouping of framed intaglios surrounding a Louis Philippe mirror.   Many times, numerous framed intaglios are hung together over sofas, as shown here. 

image The same room, looking straight onto the symmetrical intaglio arrangement. 

Here Phoebe Howard used a collection of intaglios framed on blue matting to match the quilt. 

I took this picture at Shabby Slips in Austin – two small intaglios on taupe are just the right touch above these twin beds.   Those bed skirts are delicious!!

Betty Burgess used a large collection of intaglios to cover the walls of this dining room.  Simply framed on white matting – with one intaglio per frame – the effect is stunning.  Intaglios by Jon Freeman for Tiberian Design Framed Intaglios

image At Hanham Court in England, a large collection of intaglios are framed.   Judging by the antiques in this room, I would assume these intaglios are all antique, not reproductions.  At a recent Christie’s auction of Hanham Court items, these intaglios sold for over $3,000.

 imageThese intaglios are beautifully framed.  They actually look like antique brooches.   So pretty. 

imageMy friend Julie has a set of single framed intaglios hanging over her buffet in the living room.

image I think intaglios look especially pretty next to grays and Swedish furniture.  Here, these framed intaglios are on deep blue mats which bring out the blues in the gray painted corner cabinet.  So pretty!  Intaglios by Jon Freeman for Tiberian Design Framed Intaglios

High contrast – in a brown and white bedroom, these intaglios are framed on dark brown matting.    Here, many different shapes are used to create a symmetrical design. 

image Elegantly framed intaglios flank a trumeau mirror. 

In this Houston powder room, two sets of intaglios hang on a side wall.

 image One large framed intaglio collection hangs in another bathroom.  Notice the dark mats that blend into the paint color. 

  image  In a dusty pink bedroom, gray intaglios hang, three over three. 

These intaglios are hanging together over a buffet creating a very symmetrical vignette. 

Yes, intaglios can be framed and hung in a contemporary style. 

I love the way these are hung in front of a bookshelves.  So pretty!

All different sizes of intaglios are together in this vignette.

Last year, blogger Things That Inspire written by Holly Street – started, with a friend,  a new business, Quatrefoil Designs HERE.   They sell all different kinds of things – but their main focus is on framed intaglios.   Today, Holly has graciously offered a framed intaglio as a giveaway!!  In this picture of Holly’s dining room, she has hung a collection of 8 of her framed intaglios.   Holly and her husband are in the middle of building a new house.  I can’t wait to see where she will put her collection in her new house.

Blogger Gina from Willow Decor bought a set of framed intaglios from Quatrefoil for her music room.    I love her antique Swedish furniture mixed with the intaglios.  Soooo perfect and beautiful!   HERE

rimage Here’s a close-up picture of Gina’s collection of intaglios from Quatrefoil.

Jeanette, from the blog A Passion For Home HERE, is starting a collection of intaglios from Quatrefoil Design.  She bought two “Joni I’s” – yes, inspired by moi.  Jeanette is planning to add to her collection over time- which is a great idea if you are unable to buy an entire collection at once!!

Quatrefoil sells these square framed intaglios, called the La Petite.  Quatrefoil’s frames come in gold, silver, and gliver – a combination of the two. 

This arrangement can be purchased in these sizes – called “The Holly Grouping.”

This client of mine had a very narrow main hallway – too narrow for furniture.  Instead, we hung a set of custom sized Quatrefoil intaglios.  Today, this arrangement is called the “Cote de Texas Grouping.”

Here’s a closeup of my client’s frames.  This is the “Cote de Texas Grouping.”

Quatrefoil Design has generously denoted a choice of the Joni I or II intaglio, or the Charlotte intaglio, framed.  

Image of New! The Joni II: Large size 17 3/4" x 21 3/4, 2 intaglios, cropped mat
From the Quatrefoil web site:
“Inspired by a design from Joni of Cote de Texas, our newest offering is sophisticated and beautiful with two intaglios and a close cropped mat to emphasize the beauty of the form. It can be hung alone, and also looks beautiful with the slight variation in the Joni I.” Value $360.00


Image of Framed Intaglios - "Charlotte" Design - small size (12 3/4"x16")
“Five reproduction intaglios in a beautiful design that we call "Charlotte."  Intaglios are framed in a custom designed, hand rubbed frame in your choice of gold (pictured) with cream matboard or silver with medium gray inner matboard, light gray outer matboard.”  $295.00 value

To enter – simple go to the Quatrefoil Design web site HERE and look around at all their merchandise for sale.  Come back, leave a comment about which item for sale that you particularly like.  That’s all!!  Once you have visited the web site and left a comment here, you will be entered in the giveaway.  
Contest ends this Friday night at 11:59 p.m.

Good luck  to all of you and a huge thank-you to Holly of Things That Inspire HERE and Quatrefoil Design HERE

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


Los 6 dormitorios barrocos mas bellos. El estilo barroco está de moda y fusionándose al punto de crear el neo barroco, barroco chicbarroco punk que es la  tendencia actual de decoración. Aqui una selcción los dormitorios mas bonitos de decoración estilo barroco, que encontré:
- Dormitorio barroco color marrón:
- Dormitorio barroco color fucsia: the may fai the official hotel of london fashion week 2009
- Dormitorio barroco: Diliddo & Perego
- Dormitorio barroco verde y rosado:

¿Cómo decorar con estilo barroco? Para decorar con estilo barroco debes hacerlo colocando accesorios de formas recargadas, elaboradas y caprichosas, mezclando elementos y estilos, dando como resultado un ambiente no antiguo sino muy moderno y contemporáneo. Para decorar con este estilo barroco, podemos mezclar diferentes épocas, culturas o etnias, utilizando objetos antiguos y objetos de vanguardia, formas redondas y las rectas.
Por ejemplo puedes usar una araña de techo antigua, paredes decoradas en relieves geométricos, cojines orientales de seda bordados, un enorme sofá, marcos de los cuadros cargados de pequeños y ricos detalles, alfombras de marruecos, bolas de luz, texturas metalizadas y frías, tapizados con capitonés, formas históricas, cuadros antiguos, colores profundos y diversidad de materiales y texturas como: cuero, metal, madera, papel maché, terciopelo; y lograr de esta manera un contraste entre ellos.
La sobrecarga visual y la cantidad de detalles hacen que esta decoración se denomine barroca, creando un ambiente sensual, con desmesura y muy teatral. Sus esbeltas reminiscencias en la actualidad se funden casi siempre de forma armoniosa con las líneas contemporáneas, generando efectos brillantes sobre texturas textiles, mobiliario e iluminación.

Recuerda que El Barroco fue un periodo de la historia en la cultura occidental que produjo obras en el campo de la literatura, la escultura, la pintura, la arquitectura, la danza y la música, y que abarca desde el año 1600 hasta el año 1750 aproximadamente. El término "barroco" fue después usado con un sentido despectivo, para subrayar el exceso de énfasis y abundancia de ornamentación, a diferencia de la racionalidad más clara y sobria de la Ilustración (siglo XVIII ).  Actualmente el estilo barroco se reinventa, destaca y gusta, cada vez más.

Te gustó la decoración estilo barroco? Aun no sabes cual es tu estilo de decoración favorito? La explicación en: ESTILOS DE DECORACION.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


Video del antes y después de un dormitorio de una jovencita soltera. Un dormitorio juvenil pequeño con walk in closet, que con la ayuda de espejos en toda la pared de piso a techo, se ve mas amplio, tanto que puede ser el centro de reunión para sus amigas antes de ir a una fiesta.
La decoración de este dormitorio de mujer soltera, usa colores sobrios y neutros como crema, blanco, negro y marrón.
El diseño de dormitorio para esta joven mujer a la que le gusta el modelaje, fue realizado por su propia madre, la famosa diseñadora Rebecca Robeson (
En este vídeo podrás ver el dormitorio y walk in closet creado por la diseñadora de interiores Rebecca Robeson para su propia hija Sharrah, quien al parecer es modelo, le encanta la moda, ropa, zapatos, botas, accesorios y todo lo relacionado a la moda! El modelaje es su pasión. Mira cómo se transforman 2 dormitorios en un solo dormitorio y walk in closet.
Every girls dream room, a closet wardrobe room with hip new bedroom. Designing the perfect room for a client requires knowing what the client is all about. Their interests, passions and lifestyle. In this video you will see the Bedroom and closet wardrobe room Interior Designer Rebecca Robeson created for her own daughter. Sharrah loves Fashion, clothes, shoes and boots, accessories and all things related to Fashion! Modeling is an interest too so the video has been infused with modeling shots of the client! Watch to see how she transforms 2 bedrooms into a bedroom and closet wardrobe room for her teenage daughter. 

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

A Teenager’s Bedroom

image    The inspiration bedroom – teenager Allie wanted a bedroom that looked similar to this.   Around four years ago,  I had designed this bedroom on a budget, using mostly Pottery Barn merchandise. 


Recently, I went to a client’s house and remembered that I had never taken pictures of her Allie’s, her teenaged daughter, bedroom.   I worked on her bedroom a few years ago – this is the third bedroom I have decorated for the teenager.   The first bedroom was when she was just out of the toddler stage, leaving behind her decorated nursery.    I designed a room around a Waverly Toile in reds and golds.  I KNOW you remember the toile ????   Everyone and his brother had it, or a version of it, from Waverly.    I mixed it with, yes of course, red and cream checked fabrics.  She had a pine headboard from Pier One and a mosquito netting over the bed.  It was really a cute bedroom at the time.  Even her doll beds were fitted with miniature toile spreads.  That toile bedroom was supposed to last her until she left for college.  Sure!    Actually that bedroom was one of my first jobs as a designer.   


  image The famous Waverly toile  in the red and gold colorway.   Ugh!


After Allie and her parents moved to a new house, she continued to use the toile bedroom decor for a while, until she discovered Bombay Kids, when they opened a new store in the Rice Village.   Allie insisted we redecorate her room ala Bombay Kids.    Do you remember that awful crap they sold, pardon my French??   No wonder they went out of business!    It was all purples and zebras and faux Indian Maharajah chic.   I even had a skirted table made to match with a crystal beaded trim.  Beautiful.   Her carpet was a scrolled dark purple.  It was all God-awful and thankfully she outgrew it quickly.



Bombay Kids – Faux Maharajah Chic


A few years earlier, I had decorated a bedroom on a budget for a mutual friend using mostly all Pottery Barn merchandise.   Allie asked if I would recreate the bedroom, in feeling, for her.    The two rooms do look similar, but there are several different important design elements.   In the PB bedroom,  the curtains in a large bay window  were the focal point, but I absolutely could NOT persuade Allie’s mother to agree to curtains in her bedroom - a decision that still bothers me to this day.    Conversely, while I could not get the PB bedroom owner to buy a two toned patterned carpet, Allie’s mother happily did, and  the carpet adds so much to the room.   Another main difference was the fabric, of course,  and the wall color.  We used a creamy gray in the PB bedroom, but Allie wanted a soft aqua on her walls.   What Allie wants….



Allie’s bedroom, Version IV, if you count her nursery.

I used a Laura Ashley fabric from Kravet and a velvet for the pillows and the bench’s slipcover.   The Laura Ashley fabric, a linen-cotton, is Briston Seaglass LA1301.324 and is very, very inexpensive.    We had a strict budget for this room and nothing in it was too extravagant or expensive.    For instance, the cute, white end tables came from Target – the Shabby Chic line.   We paid next to nothing for them.    The large wing chair, a hand me down from her parents, has been in her room for years and has been recovered at least three times now. 



imageAcross from the bed is a mirrored chest from Z Gallerie.   We bought it on sale, but it’s usually $999. 



We bought the bench from the Shabby Chic store in Austin and then made a slip cover for it out of the aqua velvet. 


image I luckily found six matching aqua lamp shades and two inexpensive lamps (but I can’t remember where they are from!)   Allie wanted sconces just like in the PB bedroom, and she also wanted the oval mirrors flanking the bed.  The sconces came from Indulge HERE.   Another item Allie insisted on was a crystal chandelier.  We bought this one online from one of those huge lighting stores and it was under $200.



The carpet is a trellis pattern in white and aqua – again, it was very, very reasonable.   While not as inexpensive as plain pile carpet, the custom look is worth the minimal extra cost.  




Allie needed something to put all her invitations and pictures on, so I made her a bulletin board.   There was a large blank space between the bathroom and bedroom doors – and I had it made to fit that space.  It is 5’ tall!     If you look closely, you can see that it is tufted with buttons made out of the velvet fabric.  I added a small pleated ruffle to dress it up and soften the edges.   At first while it was still empty, the bulletin board looked odd – a huge blank piece of fabric hanging on the wall.  But,  Allie filled it up very fast.   It has really helped keep her room neat and clean looking.  Once she leaves for college,  her mother can either take it down or hang a few prints on it, framed or not. 



Here is the link for the Target Shabby Chic nightstands – HERE.    And here is the link for the  Z Gallerie mirrored chest – HERE.    I’m sorry to say, but I absolutely have no idea what the paint color is!  I”m sure it’s a Pratt and Lambert, but otherwise, I just can’t remember!!!



image And finally, the sheets came from Pottery Barn, from the Pearl Embroidered line.  HERE.   Houstonian upholsterer Hien Lam made the headboard from a sketch.  HERE.





image Bookshelves for a large bedroom.


We’ve discussed this issue many time before – what to do about those oversized bedrooms - huge, echoing, cavernous spaces that leave you cold?  Alllie’s parents bedroom had that problem.  Even with a large bed, an armoire, and two chairs and ottoman in a sitting area, the room still felt empty.  What to do?   My clients are voracious readers – in fact the entire family is.  They have a million books, seriously, maybe even 2 million.   Once they moved into their new house, all the built in bookshelves in the family room were quickly filled up.   Next we added more shelves in the downstairs study.   On the large second floor landing, we built a large floor to ceiling bookcase.    Still, there were numerous leftover books needing to be shelved. The solution to the book problem and the empty bedroom problem was to add a floor to ceiling, wall to wall bookcase.  I designed these shelves along the wall where  the bathroom door is.    And yes, the door is not centered on the wall – but there was nothing I could do about that – and in the end, it looks fine just the way it is.     We finished this project over five years ago, and to do it again today, I would make the shelves thicker and fixed for a more up to date look.    Once the shelves were built, the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.  It became a very cozy space – warm and friendly – despite its large size.     This is a solution I would offer to anyone looking to fill up an oversized bedroom.   Even if you don’t have a lot of books – you can always go to Half Priced Books and buy their Box of Books,  filled with new hardbacks for just $25 – a steal of a deal.   




Other things I did to cozy up the room was to add the two toned, trellis patterned carpet – in place of the cream Berber that was previously there.  The client’s furniture was all pine – so, we restained most of the pieces dark brown which also helped ground the room.   I added curtains and bamboo shades to the windows to further soften and warm up the room.   The client used  her own existing bedding in gold, while I brought in blue in the checked curtain fabric.    The now stained dark armoire was short for these extra tall ceilings, but rather than buying a new one, I layered a collection of drawings on top of it to fill in the blank space.    Looking at the room today, it’s hard to remember how it used to look before the bookshelves were added!